To our friends in the Consulate community:

On behalf of California’s Lt. Governor, Eleni Kounalakis, and Dee Dee Myers, Senior Advisor to the Governor and Director of the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), I write today asking for your support.

The highly infectious Delta variant of COVID-19 is growing in California and presents significant health risks to our unvaccinated populations. Safe, free, and effective COVID-19 vaccines are available to everyone age 12 and up—regardless of immigration or insurance status. We need to get the message out to ensure our communities know where and how to access these vaccines – and we need your help.

In the attached letter, we’ve outlined a number of resources that your consulate and those partners in your broader network can deploy to get the message out. These actionable tools can help you and those in your broader network, including the business community, raise awareness and ensure community members know where and how to get their vaccine. And as announced by the Governor yesterday, we have also included information on California’s first-in-the-nation standard to require all state workers and workers in health care and high-risk congregate settings to either show proof of full vaccination or be tested at least once per week, and our encouragement of all local government and other employers to adopt a similar protocol.

Here are three things you can do right now:


  1. Forward this email: The attached letter provides a list of resources and tools that you and your partners can use to get the message out.


  1. Post on social media: We have an array of social media messages available to customize and share in the attached materials. Below is an example to get you started.


Getting vaccinated together is one of our most powerful tools against #COVID19. Encourage a loved one and support each other through the process. Visit to make an appointment. #VaccinateALL58 #GetToImmunity #CaliforniaforAll


Additionally, CDPH regularly publishes content that can be retweeted, reposted, or linked to on your own channels. Those posts can be found at:


  1. Update your website and share vaccine info in e-newsletters: Below is some suggested content that you can customize and insert into those platforms.


Get vaccinated today. Here’s everything you need to know to make your appointment:

      • Who is eligible? Safe, free, and effective COVID-19 vaccines are available to everyone age 12 and up—regardless of immigration or insurance status.
      • What will it cost? COVID-19 vaccinations are free for everyone, regardless of immigration status, health insurance status, or background.
      • Is it safe? COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective in protecting your health and are one of the most powerful tools against the pandemic.
      • What about side effects? The vaccines are safe and do their job, so don’t worry if you experience side effects, if any. Think of them as signs your vaccine worked. Side effects can include fatigue, sore arm, fever, aches or chills.
      • What about my school-age children? COVID-19 vaccines are available to everyone age 12 and up. What’s more,  California’s Safe Schools for All Plan provides the support and accountability to establish a clear path to minimize in-school transmissions and enable, first, a phased return to in-person instruction, and then ongoing safe in-person instruction.
      • Where can I get vaccinated? To find a provider and make an appointment, visit


Want to learn more? You can learn more about the vaccine by You can also stay up to date on the latest news by following CDPH on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Our consulates and international partners are critical advocates in California’s fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and will help ensure all of our communities can gain access to life-saving vaccines. Thank you for your support and please feel free to reach out with any questions. Thank you!

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